This group brings together those interested in discussing conscious caregiving. This is a parent-led group for parents, caregivers, and educators who wish to learn more about the topic
This is a parent-led group for parents, caregivers, and educators who wish to discuss gentle parenting and caregiving with likeminded parents and caregivers. We’ll also talk about conscious caregiving or the attempt to try to examine what’s motivating our own behavior, rather than leading in an authoritarian or permissive way, that might come from the traditional mindset that says, “what can we do to get this/these kid(s) to be respectful, or clean their room, or share?” Conscious parenting believes everyone is good inside and that behaviors are a symptom of feelings that need care or conversation.
We will use current scholarship about conscious non-coercive methods to help each other begin the work of becoming conscious care givers. This is a space for parents, caregivers, and educators interested in learning more about this practice. This group will be facilitated by a parent, not an expert or professional in the field.
In an initial meeting on August 15, we’ll talk about Chapter 1 “Good Inside” & 2 “Two Things are True” from Becky Kennedy’s Good Inside. From there the group will decide what to read next. We have planned meetings the third Thursday of the month, September 19 and October 17.
Features: numerous public meeting rooms, public computers, wireless laptops and iPads for in-house use and vending area.