A gritty and hilarious novel that follows a queer, First Nations Australian woman as she returns home to face her family and protect the land of their ancestors.
Wise-cracking Kerry Salter has spent her adulthood avoiding two things: her hometown and prison. A tough, generous, reckless woman accused of having too much lip, Kerry uses anger to fight the ridiculousness the world spews. But now her Pop is dying, so she heads south on a stolen Harley for one last visit. Kerry plans to spend twenty-four hours, tops, visiting. She quickly discovers, though, that Bundjalung land has a funny way of latching on to people-not to mention her chaotic family and the threat of a proposal to develop a prison on Granny Ava's Island, the family's spiritual home. As the fight mounts to stop the development, old wounds open. Surrounded by the ghosts of their Elders and the memories of their ancestors, the Salters are driven by the deep need to make peace with their past while scrabbling to make sense of their present. Kerry just hopes they can come together in time to preserve Granny Ava's legacy and save their ancestral land.
One meeting: Monday, June 12, from 8:00-8:45 p.m.
Too Much Lip is available in print, Libby e-audiobook and hoopla e-book and e-audiobook.
AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Books & Authors |
Features: numerous public meeting rooms, public computers, wireless laptops and iPads for in-house use and vending area.